She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner! Ch. 3

Hello all. As has been announced by Inori-sensei, Chapter 3 of She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner will be available on her Fanbox and Ko-fi in around 12 hours from publish of this post. As before, there will be a batch release of the entire chapter for those supporting her at the 500 JPY tier or higher. If you’re not already supporting her, please consider doing so. Otherwise, parts will go up daily for a 1 week pre-release before becoming available on this blog.

I’ve updated the table of contents on the She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner page to include details about the release schedule. In summary, you can expect to see the first episode of Chapter 3, “Me and the Discerning Commoner”, drop on September 27, 2021.

I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Things have been kind of hectic at my job and life in general, but I’ll be working on Chapter 4 and I’ll do my best to deliver as soon as I can. Also if you by chance missed it, Inori-sensei wrote a fun and fluffy spin-off, so please check it out!

I’ve continued to dabble in art when I’ve found some spare time. I know there’s a lot of room for growth and improvement, but I think I managed to draw something pretty cute and wanted to share it. Time feels increasingly difficult to come by, but I hope to continue keep exploring art when I can.

If you like yuri, please consider following my Twitter. I retweet a lot of art, but also do translations of little shorts. Finally, if you’re feeling generous and would like to give back, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi.

Well then, I think that’s all from me. I hope to see you back here on September 27, 2021!


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